托福聽力課外資料練習:科學美國人 60 秒魚油補劑相關內容分享


在托福聽力考試的備考過程中,科學美國人 60 秒相信大傢一定用得比較多,那麼大傢平時是如何利用這個課外資料的呢 ? 這裡小編整理瞭科學美國人 60 秒:魚油補劑相關的內容分享,大傢一起來學習一下吧。

科學美國人 60 秒聽力練習:魚油補劑

科學美國人 60 秒英文文本

It ’ s been touted for its healthful, anti-inflammatory properties. It ’ s been recommended for helping ease the pain of arthritis, preventing cancer and slowing memory loss. But some recent studies of fish oil show that it may not always act as advertised — and that you can sometimes have too much of a good thing.

First, the latest news. Researchers spent 18 months following almost 300 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer ’ s. Some took fish oil, others a placebo. And there was no difference cognitively between the two groups. The study is in the current Journal of the American Medical Association.

It ’ s a mixed bag on cancer. A study of more than 35,000 post-menopausal women found that those who took fish oil seemed half as likely to develop breast cancer as those who didn ’ t. That work was in the July issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

But a study in the October 15th issue of Cancer Research found that mice with inflamed bowels developed colitis and aggressive colon cancer when they were given high doses of fish oil.

So, fish oil might in fact have a healthful role in some circumstances. But you don ’ t want to swallow every fish story.

科學美國人 60 秒中文翻譯:



首先,最新消息:研究人員花落 18 個月來追蹤近 300 名輕度至中度的阿茲海默癥患者。其中一些人服用魚油,另一些服用安慰劑。而兩組對照並無認知差異。這項研究結果發表在最新一期《美國醫學會》雜志上。

這對癌癥患者而言可謂喜憂參半。一項由 3 萬 5 千多名絕經後婦女參與的研究發現,服用魚油的婦女比不服用魚油的婦女患乳腺癌的幾率似乎少瞭一半。這項研究發表在 6 月份的《癌癥流行病學、生物標記物與預防》上。

但是,10 月 15 號出版《癌癥研究》發現,腸道發炎的小鼠在攝入高劑量的魚油後會患上結腸炎和轉移能力極強的結腸癌。


1. inflammatory adj. 煽動性的 , 發炎的 , 炎癥的

2. arthritis n. 關節炎

3. placebo n. 安慰劑

4. post-menopausal 絕經後

5. colitis n. [ 醫 ] 結腸炎

以上就是小編為大傢整理的科學美國人 60 秒:魚油補劑的文本以及翻譯,大傢練習的時候還可以找來音頻資料一起練習,效果定會更好。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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