托福聽力課外資料練習:科學美國人 60 秒無聲的學問相關內容分享


在托福聽力考試的備考過程中,科學美國人 60 秒相信大傢一定用得比較多,那麼大傢平時是如何利用這個課外資料的呢 ? 這裡小編整理瞭科學美國人 60 秒:無聲的學問相關的內容分享,大傢一起來學習一下吧。

科學美國人 60 秒聽力練習:無聲的學問

科學美國人 60 秒英文文本

Hearing people could identify some nonverbal sounds made by deaf people but not others, indicating that some nonverbal reactions are learned. Christopher Intagliata reports

We humans are pretty good at communicating with sounds other than words [ sound of laughter ] . But how much of this is hard-wired, and how much do we pick up from others?

To find out, researchers recorded the nonverbal sounds of people born deaf, as they responded to a range of positive and negative emotions. The idea being that if certain sounds are learned, deaf people wouldn't know how to make them.

Then they played back those recordings for a group of hearing individuals, to see if they could decipher the emotion behind each sound.

They guessed correctly more than chance would predict — deaf people ’ s sounds of amusement and relief were pretty obvious. Which suggests we may be born primed to laugh or sigh.

But the listeners had a tough time with these two: [ deaf female sound, deaf male sound ] . Those are both expressions of triumph. Here ’ s a hearing person ’ s [ hearing male sound ] .

So the researchers say certain nonverbal sounds may require experience to learn — just as in language. They'll present the findings at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. [ D. Sauter, O. Crasborn and D. Haun, The role of perceptual learning in emotional vocalizations ]

Their theory fits nicely with a previous study, which found that shouts of triumph vary from culture to culture. Maybe that explains why some people can ’ t stand the vuvuzela.

科學美國人 60 秒中文翻譯:

具備聽覺的人能夠辨別失聰者發出的非言辭性聲音,說明有些對非言辭性聲音作出的反應是可以學習的。CI 報道。

人類更擅長用聲音交流,而不是用語言。但是用我們是如何利用聲音建立連接呢 ? 我們又是如何利用聲音接受別人的信息呢 ?



但是對於聽這些聲音的人來說,聽懂失聰男性和女性發出的聲音就不是一件容易的事情瞭 [ deaf female sound, deaf male sound ] 。剛剛你聽到的這兩種聲音都是高興時的聲音。而對於有聽覺的人而言,高興時發出的聲音是這樣: [ hearing male sound ] 。

因此,科學傢表示,這種非言辭性可能和我們的語言一樣,也要學習之後才能聽懂。這項研究結果將會公佈在 " 美國聽覺協會 " 舉行的會議上。


1. nonverbal adj. 非言辭語的 , 不用語言的

2. decipher vt. 譯解 , 辨認

3. perceptual adj. 感性的 , 知覺的

4. vocalization n. 發聲的樣子 , 發聲法 , 發聲

以上就是小編為大傢整理的科學美國人 60 秒:無聲的學問的文本以及翻譯,大傢練習的時候還可以找來音頻資料一起練習,效果定會更好。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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