雅思口語話題 part2 參考范文:喜歡的傢庭


2018 年 5-8 月雅思口語 part2 新題預測之:形容一個你喜歡的傢庭 ( Describe a family that you like ( not your own ) , 范文為高分考生原創,內容有關:我最好的朋友 Amit 的傢人,他母親是個善良的女人,我認識他們已經十年瞭。他們就像我自己的傢人一樣,總是把我當作自己的兒子看待。口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。學習模仿雅思口語范文要點有 3:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

Describe a family that you like ( not your own ) .

How do you know this family?

How much time do you spend with this family?

Why do you like it?

1. 適用考生:全適用

2. 主題:我最好的朋友 Amit 的傢人

3. 故事線:我最好的朋友 Amit 的傢人,他母親是個善良的女人,我認識他們已經十年瞭。他們就像我自己的傢人一樣,總是把我當作自己的兒子看待。


I will talk about my best friend Amit ’ s family. I have known them for ten years now. I met Amit at college. He was a fun-loving person and soon we became great friends. His home was near our college. As my family lived in another town at that time, I was staying in the hostel. I had some good friends in the hostel but I hated the food they served. Amit knew this. He would frequently invite me to his home. His mother is a kind woman. She is very caring and affectionate. Whenever I visited them she would prepare my favourite dishes and serve them with great love. I found my own mother in her. I also enjoy a great relationship with Amit ’ s father. He is a retired engineer. We both share the same passion for cricket and electronics. Amit has an elder brother who works in Germany. I have met him only a couple of times and on all those occasions he was extremely cordial. He is like an elder brother to me. Amit now lives in the Middle East and I am in Singapore. We still talk to each other on phone but I haven ’ t seen him in a year or so. However, I make it a point to visit his parents whenever I am in Bangalore. They are like my own family to me and have always treated me as their own son.



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