雅思口語話題 part2 參考范文:一首懷舊老歌


2018 年 5-8 月雅思口語 part2 新題預測之:一首能讓你想起某個人生經歷的歌 ( Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life ) , 范文為高分考生原創,內容有關:我媽媽經常給我唱一首催眠曲,我小時候聽過這麼多次,至今記憶猶新。這首歌通常在我國農村地區很有名,母親經常用它來安撫嬰兒並讓他們入睡。口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。學習模仿雅思口語范文要點有 3:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life

You should say:

what is it about

who is the singer of this song

when you first heard it

and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.

1. 適用考生:全適用

2. 主題:晚安曲

3. 故事線:我媽媽經常給我唱一首催眠曲,我小時候聽過這麼多次,至今記憶猶新。這首歌通常在我國農村地區很有名,母親經常用它來安撫嬰兒並讓他們入睡。


My mother often sang me a lullaby titled "Oh my sweet angel look the Moon has come to play with you … " in my bedtime and I have heard it so many times in my childhood that I can still remember it very vividly. This was a song usually famous in the rural area of our country that mothers often use to soothe the baby and to send them to sleep. It was an 8-10 lines song with great harmony and the way my mother sand it was extraordinary. It still echoes in my head and I miss those days.

I can remember my mother often sand this song till I got admitted in the school and I heard it from my father as well in my bedtime. I was pretty touched by the lyrics and in my childhood, I often imagined that the verses used in this song were true and would happen to me as well.

We often remember things from childhood especially the stories or songs we hear with great enthusiasm. This song was no exceptions. I heard it hundreds of times and as a child I fanaticized those things to be true. Thais is the main reason I still remember it. Maybe, someday when I will become a father/ mother, I will sing thins song to my children as well. This has in fact become a permanent memory and I still love the great and calming piece of music.



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