托福寫作語料庫 關於大學是否應幫學生做好擇業準備



Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working 大學應該幫助學生做好就業準備,在開始工作前 ?




1. 專業上:使大學生在專業上訓練有素,成為領域的專傢,以增強未來擇業的競爭優勢,滿足相關企業的需求。

2. 心態上:大學教育者應該幫助學生培養良好的擇業心態,對自己有清晰的認知,從底層奮鬥。

3. 性格上:大學應該通過組織校園活動或者專門的課程,幫助學生們在性格上成長。例如,受過大學教育者應該變得更加堅強,自信,成熟,善於社交。這些優點可以幫助學生適應擇業的挑戰。

戳→: 托福獨立口語如何評分 ? 詳解獨立口語評分標準解讀


1. get a reasonable career = land a good job = secure a decent job with promising future v 找到好工作

2. to acquire the academic qualifications they need to obtain a reasonably well-paid job v 獲得學歷,找到高薪工作

3. make full preparations for the future career choice = be to well-prepared for hunting for a job v 為未來求職做好重復準備

4. become well-versed in specialized knowledge v 精通專業知識

點評:be versed in = be adept at = excel in v 精通於……

5. to excel professionally v 專業精通

6. enhance one ’ s competitiveness in the future job seeking v 提高未來擇業的競爭優勢

7. helps undergraduates foster a good mentality in terms of choosing career v 幫助大學生培養良好的擇業心態

點評 : in terms of adv 在……方面

點評:undergraduates 大學在校生 ( 未畢業 )

8. to struggle from the bottom of the society v 從社會底層奮鬥

9. make sb become tenacious,confident and mature v 使學生們變得堅強,自信,成熟

拓展:tenacious = strong-minded adj 堅強的

10. to be good at associating and communicating with others v 善於和他人交往交流

11. adapt themselves to the future career challenges yet not come v 使自己適應沒有到來的事業挑戰

12. job-related knowledge n 和擇業相關的知識

13. career-oriented skills n 以擇業為導向的技能

14. Most school leavers attend universities in order to acquire competitive diplomas so that their career prospects can be enhanced. 很多高中畢業生,上大學就是為瞭獲得有競爭力的學位,以擁抱美好未來。

15. get a clear perspective of oneself v 對於自己有清晰的認知

以上便是小編為同學們整理出的托福寫作語料庫關於大學是否應幫學生做好擇業準備的寫作話題,希望能夠幫助到同學們 !


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