2018 年 1 月 13 日托福獨立寫作范文分享


2018 年 1 月 13 日托福考試參加的考生考得怎麼樣呢 ? 大傢還記不記得這場考試考瞭哪些題目呢 ? 小站教育為大傢呈現瞭完整的 2018 年 1 月 13 日托福考試的托福真題回憶,大傢可以去查看一下。今天這裡小編為大傢帶來瞭 2018 年 1 月 13 日托福獨立寫作范文,希望對大傢有幫助。

2018 年 1 月 13 日托福獨立寫作真題

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It's a waste of money for Government to fund space travel or space exploration.

Give specific examples and details to support your answer.

2018 年 1 月 13 日托福獨立寫作真題范文

Sample Answer:

News about exploring space has appeared much more frequently on the Internet recently, which prompted a discussion on whether or not should government invest money into space study. Some folks regard it as unnecessary because they insist that budget should be used in practical projects such as medical care. In contrast, in my opinion, it is reasonable for the government to spend money on the space project. Here are my reasons and details.

On the one hand, space travel can help us to find some material short on the Earth. The amount of certain kind of mineral can be poor on our planet while abundant on another one. Take the Moon, our most familiar planet as an example. NASA has started its moon exploration project for several decades, which indeed brought them back precious information about what can we find on the Moon. Various kinds of stuff have been found on it. Among them, the most noticeable one is hydrogen-3, a special form of a common hydrogen atom as well as the raw material for nuclear reactions. It is difficult for us to collect hydrogen-3 on the Earth due to its low proportion existing in water bodies. Fortunately, explorers sent to the Moon detected that on the Moon, there is an abundant storage of hydrogen-3. Space exploration would assist us to fetch back these kinds of substance and use them as clean energy.

On the other hand, space study will lead to a better-developed means of communication. Nowadays, satellites in space can serve as a mediation to transmit information swiftly and securely. Hundreds years ago, the way people use to send message was radio wave, which was unstable and easy to be monitored. While several months ago, China launched a couple of satellites into the space and declared that they would be responsible for future communication. Chinese government introduced the waves carrying messages received and sent by these satellites as "impossible to be captured or decoded". This kind of communication technology advance is actually the result of China ’ s space exploration efforts.

To sum up, it is worthy for government to invest money on its space project. Researching space can not only help us obtain some industrial material which is scarce on the Earth, but also improve the communication quality in our lives. Thus proves that money spent on space exploration will have lots of benefits. ( 395 words )

以上就是小編為大傢帶來的 2018 年 1 月 13 日托福獨立寫作范文,大傢對照范文,可以自己動寫一寫,看看你的作文與范文有什麼區別,這可能就是你的得分不高的原因瞭。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。

更多最新,最 in 的托福資訊,關註公眾號:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )


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