TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture2 文本 + 題目 + 答案解析


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TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture2 原文文本

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in an Art History class.

Pro: We ’ ve been talking about the art world of the late 19th century in Paris. And today I ’ d like to look at the women who went to Paris at that time to become artists. Now from your reading, what do you know about Paris, about the art world of Paris during the late 19th century?

Stu: People came there from all over the world to study.

Stu: It had a lot of art schools and artists who taught painting. There were, ( our book mentions ) classes for women artists. And it was a good place to go to study art.

Pro: If you wanted to become an artist, Paris was not a good place to go; Paris was "THE" place to go. And women could find skilled instructors there. Before the late 19th century, if ( they ) women who wanted to become artists had to take private lessons or learn from family members. They had more limited options than men did.

But around 1870s, some artists in Paris began to offer classes for female students. These classes were for women only. And by the end of the 19th century, it became much more common for women and men to study together in the same classes. So within a few decades, things had changed significantly.

OK. Let ’ s back up again and talk about the time period from the 1860s to the 1880s and talk more about what happened in women ’ s art classes. In 1868, a private art academy opened in Paris, and for decades it was probably the most famous private art school in the world. Its founder, Rodolphe Julian, was a canny businessman. And quickly established his school as a premier destination for women artists. What he did was: After an initial trail period of mixed classes, he changed the school policy. He completely separated the men and women students.

Stu: Any reason why he did that?

Pro: Well. Like I said, Julian was a brilliant businessman, with progressive ideas. He saw that another small private art school where all the students were women was very popular at that time. And that ’ s probably why he adopted the women only classes. His classes were typically offered by... by established artists and were held in the studio, the place where they painted.

This was a big deal because finally women could study art in a formal setting. And there was another benefit to the group setting of these classes. The classes included weekly criticism. And the teacher would rank the art of all the students in the class from best to worst. How would you like it if I did that in this class?

Stu1: Hah … No way.

Stu2: But our textbook said that the competitive … the competition was good for women. It helped them see where they needed to improve.

Pro: Isn ’ t that interesting? One woman artist, her name was Marie Bashkirtseff. Bashkirtseff once wrote how she felt about a classmate ’ s work. She thought her classmate ’ s art was much better than her own and it gave her an incentive to do better.

Overall the competition in the women ’ s art classes gave women more confidence. Confidence that they could also compete in the art world after their schooling. And even though Bashkirtseff could not study in the same classes as men, she was having an impact as an artist. Just look at the salon. What do you know about the salon?

Stu: It was a big exhibition, a big art show that they had in Pairs every year. The art had to be accepted by judges.

Stu: It was a big deal. You can make a name for yourself.

Pro: You can have a painting or sculpture in the salon and go back to your home country saying you ’ ve been a success in Paris. It was sort of uh, a seal of approval. It was a great encouragement for an artist ’ s career. And by the last two decades of the 19th century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by women, much higher than in the past.

In fact, Marie Bashkirtseff herself had a painting in the salon in 1881. Interestingly this masterpiece called "In the Studio" is a painting of the interior of Julian ’ s art school. It is not in your textbook. I will show you the painting next week. The painting depicts an active crowded studio with women drawing and painting a live model.

It was actually, Bashkirtseff actually followed Julian ’ s savvy suggestion and painted her fellow students in a class at the school with the artist herself at the far right. A great advertisement for the school when the painting eventually hung up at the salon, for a women ’ s studio had never been painted before.

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TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture2 題目文本

Question 1 of 6

What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Why the Salon exhibitions became popular among women artists in Paris.

B. Why French society did not approve of art schools or women.

C. How opportunities for women artists in Paris improved.

D. How women artists in Paris cooperated with one another.

Question 2 of 6

What point does the professor make about Julian when he mentions that Julian's art school offered some classes only for women?

A. Julian's school was the first art school in Paris to offer women-only classes.

B. Julian wanted to encourage the distinctive style of women in Paris.

C. Julian viewed himself as a social reformer.

D. Julian possessed outstanding business skills.

Question 3 of 6

What does the professor emphasize as one benefit of competition in women's classes?

A. Women gained more confidence in their artistic abilities.

B. Women became instructors in private art studios.

C. Women were able to sell their paintings for large amounts of money.

D. Women created new styles of painting.

Question 4 of 6

According to the professor,what were two ways that the situation of women artists had changed by then end of the nineteenth century in Paris?Click on 2 answers.

A. Women and men took art classes together.

B. Women artists played a greater role in the Salon exhibitions.

C. More schools were established by women artists.

D. Fewer women artists were traveling to Paris.

Question 5 of 6

What does the professor imply about Bashkirtseff's painting In the Studio?

A. It was one of many paintings that depicted a women's studio.

B. It did not bring Bashkirtseff recognition for her artistic ability.

C. It was criticized for an unrealistic depiction of women artists.

D. It was beneficial for both Bashkirtseff and the school where she studied.

Question 6 of 6

What does the professor mean when he says this?

A. Paris was a popular place to visit,but not the best place to study art.

B. Paris was the most important place for an artist to study and work.

C. Living in Paris was difficult for women artists from other countries.

D. Studing in Paris was beneficial for some artists, but not for others.

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更多最新,最 in 的托福資訊,關註公眾號:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )

TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture2 答案解析


題目解析:教授說 Today I ’ d like to look at the woman who went to Paris at that time to become artists. 但和 選項都不完全合拍,於是繼續往下聽。下文中 A,B 選項沒有提及。D 中的 cooperate with each other 沒有提及。

Question2 of 6


題目解析:從原文 Well. Like I said, Julian was a brilliant businessman, with progressive ideas 可以看出 professor 對於 Julian 經商頭腦的贊許。和 D 選項呼應。


題目解析:教授舉瞭 Marry Bashkirtseff 為例子,從例子可以聽出。沒有提及和 BCD 有關的方面。A 比 較貼近教授語義,選擇 A


題目解析:By the last two decades of 19 century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by woman,much higher than in the past. 選擇 B。教授沒有明確說男人女人一起學習,但是女人參與瞭學習,而男人一直都可以學習,所以男人和女人一起學習是可以推測的。 C,D 都不正確,所以選擇 A。

題目解析:從教授提到 In the Studio 到 lecture 結尾,都在講 painting 帶來的好處。選 D。


題目解析:Paris was THE place to go. 教授特別用定冠詞 THE 來強調巴黎就是你應該去的地方,證明巴黎對於成為一個藝術傢來說非常重要。

以上就是小編為大傢整理瞭 TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture2 文本 + 題目 + 答案解析,大傢可以邊借助 TPO 模考軟件聽音頻看看自己哪些地方聽不懂,然後來看看原文,同時對練習托福聽力精聽也是很有幫助的。最後,小站教育編輯預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。

更多最新,最 in 的托福資訊,關註公眾號:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )


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